Join the Mandate of the Sovereign People of Ecuador for Sovereignty and Wellbeing

The "1st GREAT NATIONAL CONVENTION OF CITIZEN ASSEMBLIES OF ECUADOR IN DEFENSE OF THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE REPUBLIC, HEALTH AND WORLD WELL-BEING", celebrated in Vilcabamba on May 3, 4 and 5, 2024, marked a milestone in the history of our country by bringing together citizens committed to a more just and prosperous future.

At this event, the MANDATE OF THE SOVEREIGN PEOPLE OF ECUADOR (may read the full document from here), a document that reflects the will and demands of the Ecuadorian people on fundamental issues such as the protection of territorial, food and health sovereignty, as well as the defense of the constitutional and human rights of all citizens.

We find ourselves at a crucial moment where it is imperative to join forces to ensure that our voices are heard and that our demands are met.

That is why we invite you to join this cause, to join the mandate of the sovereign people of Ecuador and to be part of the change that our country needs.

By joining this action, you will be supporting the activation and execution of comprehensive public policies for family, community and intercultural health, promoting the protection of the privacy of personal data and advocating for the production and marketing of healthy, contaminant-free foods.

  1. That our life and, therefore, our health decisions belong to us and are not at the disposal, transfer or assignment of rights to third parties who decide 
  2. That, we will not allow ourselves to be forced again to be the object of
    genetic experiments or of any other nature, through vaccines or any other method for human use, and even in the event that the protocols are complied with, the right of each citizen to decide not to be vaccinated, administered or ingested any other therapy must be respected. and/or substances, without informed consent.
  3. That there is no other legal norm to which we owe respect and obedience.
    that is not the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.
  4. That we were born alive and that sovereignty over our body belongs to each individual, and, consequently, we are subscribed to a legal framework in force in Ecuadorian territory.
  5. That, we have the power to accept or not any medical procedure in our favor, under strict right to informed consent, enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and ratified in other International Instruments.
  6. That each of us are sovereign in our body, energy
    vital, emotions, mind, soul and spirit, therefore:
    6.1 We reject any intention to submit to our will and
    consent, because the power of the State cannot allow itself to violate our personal and individual sovereignty. 
    6.2 We reject all promotion and dissemination of misleading information,
    distorted and not attached to the truth, which generates confusion, fear
    and misinformation, even more so if it comes from the public, authority figures and the media. 
    6.3 And we demand that said institutions and people adhere to the
    true intention mandated by the Constitution and refrain from
    promote manipulated information, otherwise adhering to the
    consequences and subsequent responsibilities. 
  7. That, all of our personal freedoms are inalienable, up to the point of individual self-denomination and voluntary adherence to the community to which we belong.
  8. That, the Constitution of the Republic recognizes the prevalence of the ibidem regulations over any other norm, law, treaty or regulation that undermines and threatens constitutional rights, food sovereignty, rights of nature, biodiversity, care of water and life. in general, from which the rights of the inhabitants in the territory of the Republic of Ecuador emanate.
  9. That, we demand compliance with the Constitution of Ecuador regarding non-interference by foreign military or police forces, as well as the non-binding of our jurisdiction to foreign individuals or institutions.
    foreign to the legal nature of the Ecuadorian State, without the authorization
  10. That, we urge the government of our country to abstain from any
    form of interventionism or neocolonialism, camouflaged as compromise
    diplomatic, consular, binding technical assistance, currently or in
  11. That, by our natural ancestral rights and customs of
    ancestral and integrative medicine, and their respective alternative therapies,
    complementary and others, as well as the actions of the indigenous justice of
    different nationalities, we exercise total authority over our being
    individually and on our dependent family members, on the resources that legally belong to us and on the territory where we live. Therefore, we establish the subsequent responsibility that every official would have, personally and institutionally, in the case of any act, intention, plan or mechanism that violates the rights that assist us in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.
    since it is an attack on our rights.
  12. That, we urge that public policies of
    according to the comprehensive model of family, community and intercultural health, for which complementary medicine, ancestral and alternative medicine clinics must be created and promoted in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.
  13. That, national organizations and relevant officials must comply
    with comprehensive protection of personal data and privacy of the
    digital individual, against all types of electronic, electromagnetic devices,  computers, and other devices that emit non-ionizing radiation outside the range permitted for health and as well as others that affect our life component and the ecosystem.
    biometric of our cells and our entire body.
  14. That, because the Republic of Ecuador favors the production and marketing of foods produced and imported containing an excessive amount of pesticides and other components that contaminate the environment and affect health, we urge that public policies be generated and reinforced that require the use of raw materials, inputs and products free of contaminants for the production and marketing of healthy foods.
  15. That we declare ourselves in a Permanent Assembly and invite and convene the Local Citizen Assemblies, Collectives, Guilds, Social Organizations and Citizenship of the entire country, as well as Ecuadorians residing abroad, so that, in the event that this CITIZEN MANDATE is attended to by of the national government, and prior to the favorable opinion of the Constitutional Court, a referendum and/or popular consultation of citizen initiative is called, for which it provides that the Ecuadorian State refrains from signing the pandemic treaty and amendment proposed by the WHO or other transnational organizations because the people, after a referendum, have not authorized the delivery of territorial, food, health, sanitary sovereignty and all those stipulated in the Magna Carta of the Ecuadorian State to a private health entity organization such as the WHO and others.
  16. That the sovereignty of the citizens of the Ecuadorian State be respected, in the face of the impositions of the WHO and other entities, and, if necessary, that our country withdraw from said organizations.

Sign now and be part of this citizen action that leaves a legacy!

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This Mandate has been signed
by 358 people

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Invested in our absolute human dignity as living beings of this planet and originating from this territory, where we were born and/or live, under its laws and social, cultural, civilizational norms, in the Jurisdiction of the Republic of Ecuador, we promulgate our feelings and will, and with the accompaniment of the civil conglomerates of our community, embracing our freedom of expression, with legitimate autonomy,


1. That, our life and, therefore, our health decisions belong to us and are not available, transferable or assigning rights to third parties to decide on our behalf, which we do not consent to at all.

2. That, we will not allow ourselves to be forced again to be the subject of genetic experiments or of any other nature, through vaccines or any other method for human use, and even in the event that the protocols are complied with, the right of each citizen to decide not to get vaccinated, administer or ingest any other therapy and/or substances, without informed consent.

3. That, there is no other legal norm to which we owe respect and obedience other than the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.

4. That we were born alive and that sovereignty over our body belongs to each individual, and, consequently, we are subscribed to a legal framework in force in Ecuadorian territory.

5. That, we have the power to accept or not any medical procedure in our favor, under strict right to informed consent, enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador and ratified in other International Instruments.

6. That, each of us are sovereign in our body, vital energy, emotions, mind, soul and spirit, therefore:

    6.1. We reject any intention of submission to our will and consent, because the power of the State cannot allow itself to violate our personal and individual sovereignty.

    6.2. We reject all promotion and dissemination of misleading, distorted and untrue information that generates confusion, fear and misinformation, even more so if it comes from public institutions, authority figures and the media.

    6.3. And we demand that these institutions and people adhere to the true intention mandated by the Constitution and refrain from promoting manipulated information, otherwise taking into account the subsequent consequences and responsibilities.

7. That, all of our personal freedoms are inalienable, up to the point of individual self-denomination and voluntary adherence to the community to which we belong.

8. That, the Constitution of the Republic recognizes the prevalence of the ibidem regulations over any other norm, law, treaty or regulation that undermines and threatens the constitutional rights of food sovereignty, rights of nature, biodiversity, care of water and life in general, from which the rights of the inhabitants in the territory of the Republic of Ecuador emanate.

9. That, we demand compliance with the Constitution of Ecuador regarding non-interference by foreign military or police forces, as well as the non-linkage of our jurisdiction to individuals or institutions foreign or alien to the legal nature of the Ecuadorian State, without sovereign authorization. .

10. That, we urge the government of our country to refrain from any form of interventionism or neocolonialism, camouflaged as diplomatic, consular commitment, or binding technical assistance, currently or in the future.

11. That, due to our natural ancestral rights and customs of ancestral and integrative medicine, and their respective alternative, complementary and other therapies, as well as the actions of indigenous justice of different nationalities, we exercise total authority over our individual being and over our dependent family members, on the resources that legally belong to us and on the territory where we live. Therefore, we establish the subsequent responsibility that every official would have, personally and institutionally, in the case of any act, intention, plan or mechanism that violates the rights that assist us in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador, since It is an attack on our rights.

12. That, we urge that public policies be fulfilled and activated according to the comprehensive model of family, community and intercultural health, for which complementary medicine, ancestral and alternative medicine clinics must be created and promoted in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.

13. That the national organizations and relevant officials must comply with the comprehensive protection of personal data and the privacy of the individual against all types of electronic, electromagnetic, digital, computerized devices, and other devices that emit non-ionizing radiation outside the range permitted for health and as well as others that affect our life component and the biometric ecosystem of our cells and our entire organism.

14. That, because the Republic of Ecuador favors the production and marketing of foods produced or imported containing an excessive amount of pesticides and other components that contaminate the environment and affect health, we urge that public policies be generated and reinforced that require the use of raw materials, inputs and products free of contaminants for the production and marketing of healthy foods.

15. That, we declare ourselves in a permanent assembly and we invite and convene the Local Citizen Assemblies, Collectives, Guilds, Social Organizations and Citizenship of the entire country, as well as Ecuadorians residing abroad, so that, in the event that this MANDATE is not met CITIZEN by the national government, and prior to the favorable ruling of the Constitutional Court, a referendum and/or popular consultation of citizen initiative is called, for which this Great Citizen Assembly held in the city of Vilcabamba provides: that the The Ecuadorian State refrains from signing the pandemic treaty and amendments proposed by the WHO, or other transnational organizations because the people, after a referendum, have not authorized the surrender of territorial, food, health, and sanitary sovereignty and all other stipulated in the Magna Carta of the Ecuadorian State to a private health entity organization such as the WHO or others.

16. That the sovereignty of the citizens of the Ecuadorian State be respected, in the face of the impositions of the WHO and other entities, and, if necessary, that our country withdraw from said organizations.

Your signature is essential to demonstrate that we are united in defending our rights and building a better future for all.

Together, we can achieve significant change and build a country where the sovereignty, health and well-being of all its inhabitants are a priority.

Thank you for being part of this citizen action that leaves a legacy!